Flower quilt finished

Finished this today. It was from Frieda Anderson workshop last year.

Color wheel postcards- secondary colors

Pictogram block party quilt

Sandra Johnson
Machine embroidered
Honorable Mention

Helen Remick

Yo yo2 trip around the world
Honorable Mention
Dallas Quilt Show

Kathy york

Third place open division
Dallas quilt show

Diane Magarelli, Goodyear Arizona

Third place, open division, Dallas quilt show

Tonya littmann

Honorable mention
Leopard frog, Rana Pipiens

Lighting up time

Diane magarelli

Mexico chili Rasta

Joe ellen ticknor

Karen Stone, Beaumont Texas

Honorable mention Dallas quilt show

Dallas Quilt Show Teresa Sherling

Big Bang(s) Theory
Denton, Texas

Dallas quilt show Deborah Boschert

Dallas quilt show Lu Peters

Gloria hansen, east Windsor, nj

Third place, master division. Dallas quilt show.

Friday March 5 Sunrise

Sunrise this morning on the Ray "farm". Kinda dark today, only a slice
if pink. The clouds look heavy and are moving fast, like they are in a
hurry to get out of Lucas.

Dallas Quilt Show Challenge Postcards

by Tonya Littmann
Denton, Texas

by Susan Pierce
Liverpool, England

by Sue Balchak
Adelanto, CA

By Stacia Smyth
Marrysville, Washington

by Sandra Just
Rio Rancho, New Mexico

by Peggy Reynolds
Oxford, Florida

by Paula Page
Garner, North Carolina
by Pamela Renfro
El Segundo, California
by Pam Nixon
Waynesboro, Virginia

by Joan Levin
Hunt Valley, Maryland
By Gloria Schurman
Ferndale, Michigan
by Ina Ericson
Richardson, Texas
by Diana Hale
Auburn, California
by Deb Poole
Wheeling, Illinois
by Amy Selmanoff
Baltimore, Maryland

by DAnna Lawson
Templeton, California
by Cynthia Phelan
Greenwood, Arkansas
by Carol Hansen
Nashville, Tennessee

We received over 30 dallas quilt show challenge postcards. Each postcard was made from the same 4 fabrics. Other fabrics could be added. No patterns were provided we wanted the artists to feel free to use what ever inspired them. I have lots more to post. Will finish taking the photos and post the rest of the postcards on Thursday morning.

In random order here are the postcards received.

Tuesday march 3 sunrise

Since we moved into the country, we can now have a wonderful view of
sunrise. My plan is to take a photo each day for a month and use them
as a base for a new series of mini- quilts.

Sunrise Monday