Open Studios in Make It University Houston Quilt Show

It would be impossible to be any more excited than I am. You would have thought that I won the lottery by the excitement after reading "THE" email!

You- the royal you- after submitting articles, art, every publication that will allow you to. Get so used to opening up very polite decline letters and emails that when "THE" email comes in and you are accepted..well the thought of all the million No's to get a yes blow away like a nice fall breeze.

My YES email came yesterday. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to Barbara Delaney, Assistant Editor, QUILTING ARTS MAGAZINE® and CLOTH PAPER SCISSORS®

I will be one of the artists sharing their fiber arts in the Open Studios as part of the Make It University at the Houston International Quilt Show. Please stop by and visit me on Sunday November 2, 2008, from 1:30 to 3:30

See you in Houston!