Displaying Fabric Postcards

I participate in several postcard exchanges.  I keep a book of postcards so when I travel and teach classes I show people the wonderful things that can be created with only a few supplies and a sewing machine ( or by hand sewing).  My book has now runneth over...so I have been trying to find some more creative ways to display all these little artful cards.

As you enter our home I have two baskets sitting upon a hutch that my dad made that are full of postcards for our guests to look at and a really cool metal photo tree (container store about 15.00) that the postcards clip to and hang from.  Then my favorite of all is in our bathroom we have a photo shower curtain that holds 4" by 6" photos...perfect size for postcards.  The shower curtain is my favorite because we can change it out with different holidays or themes.

Hope you all enjoy.